Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Cool RSS Feed!

Here is a cool RSS feed about Personalized Cigar Labels!

Cigar Favors - Out Of The Ordinary!

Have you ever thought of giving cigar favors at your next
party, event or special occasion? Though they may seem to
be a relic of a time gone by, cigar favors are actually a
very elegant way of showing appreciaton for your guests
friendship and support.

Handing out a quality cigar favor definitely leaves a good
impression. The aroma, along with a distinctive cigar label
can make for a memorable event. They can be made with your
choice of cigars, and you can also opt not to go with
customized cigar labels if you wish. The choice is yours.

There are many places online where you can purchase these,
and they can be delivered to your door long before the
event in question. (Just make sure not to smoke them all!)
Can you think of the last time you were atan event that
gave out cigar favors? I thought not!

Quality cigar favors can make your occasion (as well as
you in particular!) very popular indeed!